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Dann waren sie auf einmal in allen Medien, eine Testorganisation hat diese Supermarktkette als schlechteste Bewertet und es gab eine Riesenrummel in den "BRD Qualitätsmedien" (der neue Begriff für die gleichgeschaltete BRD Presse). Gebrauchtes verkaufen (rebuy, Amazon und Ebay) eBay UK:  I was involved for a while in bitcoin as an investment (I have since divested all bitcoin related assets--I'll explain why in a minute) and then peripherally as a security consultant.  Paypal and eBay do not offer the security of anonymity that bitcoin has to offer and more often than not, someone is trying to scam the other party.  There is no good reason to be buying on eBay or Paypal unless you have stolen someone else's credit card info so you don't care about paying 2x the going price for bitcoin.  There's no reason to be selling on Paypal or eBay since all of the other exchanges have better rates by at least an order of magnitude.  Even selling in person is safer than selling with Paypal or eBay.

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